Strategic Biz Dev -- Delivering Results
OUR SERVICES > Business Development

Our strategic business development services include every conceivable aspect of Biz Dev. From designing and executing on a channel strategy through engaging with “strategic” partner, SBD is flexible to meet any challenge for almost any budget. We help our customers determine what is needed to get to the next level and help them execute on our joint plan. We lead very hands-on initiatives that could include a part time commitment of one of SBD’s executives as a Vice President of Business development for our customers.

Channel Development.
Partnerships are a major key in the technology world. Almost any ISV or technology provider relies on partners to open up markets or sales opportunities and be able to deliver the required services around the solution or product. SBD helped many companies to set their partner strategy and program including the required legal structure. We strongly believe that a successful partnership is one that drives mutual revenue and we are committed to developing the channels with that goal in mind.

Strategic Partner Development.
For almost any technology company there are a handful of larger companies which could be defined as “Strategic Partners”. A strategic partner is one that can significantly impact the company’s business and could result in a long term mutually profitable relationship (or maybe an acquisition). SBD will help you identify these potential strategic partners and lead the process of building the joint value proposition. Our executives have personal contacts at many of thees targeted companies so we can save you a lot of time while increasing your chances of getting the right results.

Technology Partnerships.
Sometime the best way to reach the market is to find another company (large or small) that could benefit from a joint technology offering. These relationships could be strategic or tactical depending on the situation. SBD will lead this activity from the initial concept into actual product development and integration. This service will also include all aspects of marketing support to the joint offering.

Test Future Strategies.
There comes a time in any technology company when you have an idea that seems very promising but no real capability to execute on it due to many constraints. SBD can help you “test case” any strategic direction in the most efficient and cost effective way. Whether it is a new product offering or opening a new market, SBD will help you determine if this direction or strategy makes sense and help you maximize the business opportunity that it represents.
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