Strategic Biz Dev -- Delivering Results
WHY WORK WITH US? > SBD Competitive Advantage

The challenge

Most offshore companies anticipate the need to address the North American market and eventually do so. Generally, these firms tune their message in local markets and establish a referenceable customer base with corresponding use cases and success stories.

The fact is, establishing a presence in the U.S. market is expensive and fraught with risk. The unknowns include market knowledge, cultural issues, possible partners and target prospects. In addition, there are issues associated with finding the appropriate marketing, sales and sales support candidates. Once committed, technology firms find that they must stick with their early decisions and hope for the best outcome.

The solution

Investing in U.S. based direct sales organization is both costly and risky. Prior to making a commitment, SBD evaluates the client’s technology, identifies competitors and overall market opportunity in order to determine the best sales model and the most reasonable investment. Market realities and the technology solution being brought to market often times determine the sales distribution model. For instance, infrastructure solutions are often best included in part of a broader partner offering (platform, middleware, etc.)

Why SBD?

Risk Mitigation. SBD is uniquely qualified to assist early-stage companies develop and build direct and in-direct sales channels. On average, our executives have decades of experience launching emerging technology companies in both domestic (US) and international markets. SBD principals have had experience building several technology firms which have lead to dominant market presence, IPO and acquisition.

Quick Start. Our market, vertical and technology knowledge and rolodex enables us to quickly establish customer beachheads and avoid trail and error sales initiatives which are very costly. Smart managers generally are able to figure out the best way to address a new market. Unfortunately, limiting factors such as time, money and resources lock early stage companies out of new markets and act as a barrier to entry.

Methodology. SBD had developed a business development acceleration program that guarantees delivering results. Our step by step process provides our customers the most cost effective way of developing strategic initiatives while allowing them to change and revise their strategy and goals throughout the process.

Engagement Model. SBD is willing to take some of the risk of any project we are involved in. Our flexible engagement model enables companies to start activity with almost no real budget. We actually build our proposal based on the exiting budget. We always share the risk so every engagement has results oriented compensation model, which reduces the customer risk even more.

Valuation. Sales and customers translate to company value and capitalization. Large software companies such as SAG, SAP and Mercury Interactive separated themselves from the pack based on their success in the U.S. marketplace. North American market penetration and customer acquisition equals valuation (IPO, acquisition, mergers, etc.).

We know technology, markets, sales, channels and customers. Been there – done it before. Our knowledge base covers most of the challenges you faced or going to face in the future.
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